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Tips for Managing a Small Airport

If you're responsible for managing a small airport, then you know that it can be a challenging job. This blog post will outline some of the best tips for managing a small airport. Whether you are an airport manager or director or simply staff at an airport, these tips will help you run your airport more smoothly. Keep reading to learn more!

Get Legal Matters Squared Away

When it comes to managing a small airport, getting your legal matters squared away is critical. This includes having an air operating certificate (AOC), complying with federal regulations, and having the proper insurance.

An AOC is required for any organization that provides air transportation services. This document certifies that your airport meets all applicable safety standards. To get an AOC, you’ll need to apply to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The application must include detailed information about your airport, including its layout and operations.

In addition to obtaining an AOC, you must also comply with federal regulations. These regulations cover a wide range of topics, from safety and security to environmental protection. Compliance can be a complex process, so it’s essential to work with an aviation lawyer who can help you navigate the regulations.

Pave the Runways

Small airports are the lifeblood of many rural communities. These airports are often managed by volunteers who have a passion for aviation. One of the most important things these volunteers can do is pave the runways.

Paving the runways is important for a few reasons. First, it ensures that planes can safely land and take off. Second, it helps to keep the runway in good condition, which is vital for safety and preventing damage to planes.

Open an On-Site Restaurant

The traveling public often overlooks small airports, but they offer a unique opportunity for on-site restaurants. These restaurants can be a great addition to an airport’s offerings, providing travelers with a convenient place to eat and helps to generate revenue for the airport.

There are several things to consider when opening an on-site restaurant at a small airport. The first is choosing the right location in the airport. When making this decision, there are many factors to consider, such as traffic flow and passenger demographics. The restaurant should also be designed to make the most of its location, with plenty of seating and space for food preparation.

Sell Fuel at Competitive Prices

Small airports can face unique difficulties when it comes to selling fuel. Prices need to be competitive to draw in customers, but this can be difficult when fuel is a high-margin item. Here are a few tips for managing this challenge:

•             Compare prices between airports in your area. This will help you set a competitive price that still allows you to make a profit.

•             Negotiate discounts with local fuel suppliers. This could help you bring your overall costs down and improve your margins.

•             Invest in updated fuel management systems. These systems can help you track inventory, manage payments, and more. This can help you keep your operation running smoothly and efficiently.

Employ On-Site Mechanics

Small airports have the unique challenge of managing limited resources while still providing quality service to their passengers. One way to maximize efficiency is to employ on-site mechanics. On-site mechanics can help with everything from routine maintenance to emergency repairs, and they can do so without wasting time traveling between the airport and a centralized workshop.

There are several benefits to employing on-site mechanics. First, on-site mechanics are familiar with the airport’s layout and equipment, which allows them to work more quickly and effectively. Second, on-site mechanics can be on call 24/7, which means that they can quickly and efficiently address any issues that arise. Finally, on-site mechanics can help keep the airport running smoothly, even during emergencies.

Diversify Your Airport’s Services

Small airports can benefit from diversifying the services they offer in order to attract more customers and increase revenue. Some services that could be added include car rentals, parking, a restaurant or cafe, gift shops, and more. Offering a variety of services will make your airport more appealing to passengers and help keep them coming back. Additionally, by expanding the range of services you provide, you may attract new businesses to your airport, which can create additional jobs and revenue.

To make a small airport profitable, it’s crucial to get the legal and financial matters in order. We’ve outlined some key tips for getting started, but if you want more comprehensive help managing your airport, we have software solutions that can make the process easier than ever. 

Contact us today to learn how a cloud-based airport software can take the stress out of airport management.

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